X - Rite EXact Advanced Spectrophotometer

X - Rite EXact Advanced Spectrophotometer

The eXact Advanced meets the specific requirements of the ink room, quality control labs, and manufacturing partners who must achieve the highest quality with the broadest toolset. It includes advanced functions to evaluate ink and paper prior to, and during print production.
The preferred instrument of ink labs and quality control labs, the eXact Advanced spectrophotometer is designed to help you achieve the highest quality product with the broadest toolset. In addition to ensuring color validation of CMYK and spot-color inks, simultaneous measurements of four M modes, embedded Bluetooth capability, and enhanced colorimetric functionality, the eXact Advanced includes functions to evaluate ink and paper prior to, during, and after print production; saving time and reducing waste for your operation.
The eXact Advanced is a unique combination of hardware and software programming to help your operation get color right the first time and every time.

Advanced Quality Control Management
  • Measures ink and paper prior to, during, and after print production to help streamline efficiencies 
Enhanced Colorimetric Functionality
  • Drives workflow confidence for each job as tools can be locked, customized, and individualized with multiple user capabilities
  • Leverages the reflectance graph to demonstrate the spectral reflectance of a substrate or ink
  • Measures the concentration of a specific ink with absolute and relative color strength features
  • Engages the opacity feature to measure the difference of a substrate or ink over white and over black
  • Generates the color difference up to three different illuminants with the Metamerism feature
Shop Now! https://sudarshanbooks.com or call us at 9891136888, write us sbdbooks@gmail.com
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