X - Rite i1Display Pro

X - Rite i1Display Pro

i1Display Pro is the perfect combination of unrivaled color precision, speed and controls for the highest level of on-screen color accuracy, including mobile devices and projectors.
The i1Display Pro incorporates technologically advanced filter and optical systems, amazingly fast measurement speed, and unrivaled color accuracy on all modern display technologies including LED, Plasma, RG Phosphor, OLED & Wide Gamut. It’s also spectrally calibrated, which makes it field upgradeable to support future display technologies, extending the life of your investment. The ultra-modern ergonomic design incorporates three functions – ambient light measurement, monitor profiling, and projector profiling – into a sleek, compact and fully integrated device with no parts to misplace.

  • Next generation i1Profiler software for calibrating and profiling all modern display and projector technologies including LED & Wide Gamut LCDs. Advanced user-defined controls support more sophisticated workflows.
  • Save time by re-using profile settings on multiple displays connected to the same computer or multiple computers within a workgroup. In addition, Automatic Display Control (ADC) adjusts display hardware for increased speed and fewer manual adjustments.
  • Quickly and accurately create projector profiles to show your images on the big screen with color confidence.
  • Create custom patch sets to optimize your profiles by choosing a combination of patch set size, extracted colors from specific images and/or PANTONE spot colors selected from the included PANTONE Color Manager software.
  • Its unique optical design allows for high repeatability on the same display and across different display types for more consistent color matching.
Shop Now! https://sudarshanbooks.com or call us at 9891136888, write us sbdbooks@gmail.com
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